Birds Do It, Bees Do It …

I've found some new blog friends in the world of biological models of business. I think we might be the start of something new (ha! every blogger says that!). Over at the Bumble Bee, Ken Thomson has been really busy looking at how animal life communicates. It turns out that animals already have better solutions to group co-ordination than Skype or Twitter.

Ken runs SwarmTeams over in Eire, which is something that is deeply cool and – as a beta user for my Explorer Scout Unit – is capable of developing into something really interesting as a comms environment for rapidly evolving groups of young people. I'm sure that we have all felt the limitations of Skype and Twitter and this is genuinely clever new Integrated Messaging that brings some deep learning from how natural groups self-organise.

I'm off to read his entire Blog Roll as there are some other amazing biologically inspired technologists and marketeers out there that I want to meet.

Give (6) hands to the indefatigable Bumble Bee!